The Turin Collection ©2022
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Welcome to the «Turin Collection» virtual showroom
"The Turin Collection" is a private collection of artworks. The works acquired in the collection were produced by emerging artists full of talent and inspiration. The physical collection is not normally accessible to the public. To give all art lovers a chance to appreciate the items in the collection, the idea of creating a cyberspace where they can interact with three-dimensional digital copies was born. This is the "Touch My Art" project.
Enter here the 3D Virtual Exhibition Enter here the 3D Virtual Exhibition
© The Turin Collection 2022
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Welcome to the «Turin Collection» virtual showroom
"The Turin Collection" is a private collection of artworks. The works acquired in the collection were produced by emerging artists full of talent and inspiration. The physical collection is not normally accessible to the public. To give all art lovers a chance to appreciate the items in the collection, the idea of creating a cyberspace where they can interact with three- dimensional digital copies was born. This is the "Touch My Art" project.
Enter here the 3D Virtual Exhibition Enter here the 3D Virtual Exhibition
Project Touch My Art
Touch My Art